January 20, 2011

Haiga 481 Alan Summers haiku 2

Haiku by Alan Summers. Artwork by myself.
This is a rather challenging haiku to visualize. The first images that came to my mind as I read this haiku were artworks by Georgia O'keeffe; blow up images of flowers and abstract landscapes. I kind of liked the idea so I decided to use O'keeffe's style.


Devika Jyothi said...

That was nice, Kuni-san...and with your placement of the haiku, it caught the first attention and than to see visual -- could make out what you were saying in the note,

the process stirs imagination...and i went to see a few artworks by Georgia O'keeffe --was not known to me; so very stunning, and impressive...thanks for the link, Kuni-san :)


kuni_san said...

Thank you always, Devika san.
O'keeffe was a wonderful painter. I greatly admire her artworks. I read her biography, too. some day, I want to visit Santa Fe, where she had studio.

Devika Jyothi said...

Oh yes, great Kuni-san...even i'm looking to read more about her, i've saved the link :)


kuni_san said...

A woman of very strong will and originality.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thank you kuni_san!

I've just got back from a week long residential course I was co-leading, and get this delightful surprise. ;-)
