February 22, 2011

Haiga 507 Yosa Buson haiku 17

Haiku by Yosa Buson. Artwork by myself.
I'm showing here the first stage of this haiga: a hand-drawn drawing done with sumi ink and brush. To convey the feel of the haiku, I decided this medium and tool were most suitable.
I scanned the drawing and brought the data onto Adobe Illustrator software, and then digitally manipulated, like adding colors, background shapes. And of course the haiku text.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Dear kuni_san,

It's great to see your non-digital drawing first to see how accomplished you are.

I bet it's terrific for haiku writers to see you draw outside too.

Do you get involved with haiga ginko like Stephen Gill and the Hailstones group?

Terrific artwork on both counts!

Alan’s Area 17 blog

kuni_san said...

Thank you, Alan san. I will try to show some of the making time to time.