Haiku and artwork by myself.
One's feeling is best expressed and communicates well when shown in action. A batch of a thousand origami cranes is traditionally an expression of sympathy and encouragement in Japan. The act of folding paper is a good way for everybody to express one's feeling. Each action is small, but precious. Each crane, when accumulated, exerts big impression.
Ramona Linke san of Germany emailed me, informing about origami cranes project. I cannot read German written on the webpage, but I am deeply grateful that people out there are taking their time to send to us Japanese good energy in the form of origami cranes.
Other than the origami cranes, people in the world are extending to us numerous helping hands, to which I bow deeply.
BTW, the lines in the haiga show the steps in holding the origami crane.
Absolutely wonderful, both haiku and artwork.
very impressive, I had also made one orizuru during charity concert in Warsaw photo of which I posted on FB; an orizuru - the symbol catching our hearts
Excellent artwork, and very moving.
Your artwork is wonderful as are your words. Love and prayers for all in Japan from NZ.
Thank you all for wonderful comments.
Hello. I just love your blog. I am from Europe, have never been to Japan, but I have read a couple of books by Haruki Murakami , and read Sho-Gun by Clavell, and also saw Mr. Tom Cruise the american actor from Hollywood in that film about the Samurai (but the film wasn't as good as the book Sho-gun, although Mr. Cruise, as always acted VERY well.) I also know of the famous Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, of his SPINE-CHILLING FEVER PRODUCIND, GOOSE-FLESH BUMPS RAISING film "RAN"...what a movie...plus, don't tell this to anyone, because it is a secret and who ever film critic (especially European, or WASP-y) may hear me say this, will KILL me with stones...I DO NOT think it was an "ecranization" of the Shakesperean story of King Lear", but instead it was a TOTALLY NEW GROUND-BREAKING INTERPRETATION of an OLD UNIVERSAL MYTH (I can also explain why, but it would be too long, boring and off topic...just DO NOT say to anyone I said this !). I also know of Toshiro Mifune, a FAMOUS COMPLEX CHARACTER ACTOR (I am SURE that Mr. Robert de Niro has seen and studied all of Mr. Mifune's movies, plus I hope that the best character actor of today's America who is Mr. Edward Norton will ALSO see all of Mr. Tohiro Mifune's ROLES...because I am afraid otherwise, it will be Mr. Sean Penn who will catch up with him and take 1st place as best charcter actor of late XX-th & early XXI-st century of the world)...PLEAS do NOT say to anyone from the Hollywood scene I said this, because they will HATE me all, if they find out I actually HAVE RANKED FAVORITES !... I also know of the expressionist-existentialist Japanese writer Kobo Abe and of his book the "Woman of the Sands", I have BOTH read the book and seen the MOVIE "Suna Na Onna"...WHAT a BOOK ! What a MOVIE ! There was also that OLD book written by a Japanese noble lady, from many CENTURIES ago that was translated in Europe, but I just do not remember the name of that book or author...I read it when I was about 19 years old, and at that time I thought it was BETTER that all the Europea realists, like Thomas mann...which thus became "neorealists" in my mind..because THERE HAD BEEN alread that REALIST lady author from Japan, CENTURIES before them who described FAMILY structures and family relationships in such a REFINED manner, than ALL the Freudians of today would BE YELLOW with envy if they know that Japanese self-awareness psychological knowledge has exioste in Japan CENTURIES and CENTURIES before Mr. Sigmund Freud was born ! BUT PLEASE DO NOT TELL I WROTE THIS to anyone...all the psychological Associations of Europe and NorthAmerica will KILL me if they knew what I said. The would CRUCIFY me ! OMG !!
P.S. I am so sorry if I sounded a bit excited...it was just that I just DO NOT DARE say those things which I just wrote here in PUBLIC especially not in Europe, especially not in the anglo-saxon or francophone areas of the world...THEY just would think I want to be an ENEMY or bomb Peral Harbor again, if they heard me...which I TRULY TRULY DO NOT. I actually LOVE all of the WW II veterans, I want the best for them...but most are already dead...why can't we just MOVE on already ? Especially when it comes to things like Art, like Books and Movies, especially when it comes to HUMANS just holding out hands to other fellow-humans, who may be in need, like when that recent Earthqauke in Japan happened, and I, Rudolph Aspirant, just DID not know what to do to help, not WITH money, BUT WITH feelings...that is all that I, Rudolph Aspirant wanted to do..hust hold may hand and hold the collective hand of the Japanese PEOPLE, if I knew how...it COPULD be done through Art, you probably all know that, you hai-ku poet lovers, but, unfortunately, I, Rudolph Aspirant, have NO artistic talent, I do not know how to write, how to draw, how to make movies, or paintings, or sculptures, or songs, or ballets, I just do not know how to act like an artist, orhow to pull the strings of a doll like they do with the Arlequins and the Colombines...I just do not know any of those things. That is all I wanted to actually say. I love your site and I will put it in my favorites in MY computer's browser at WORK, so that when I feel a little tired and stressed, i can come visit your blog here !
Roamsk san: Thank you for your comments.
Haiku does not judge right or wrong, it simply present what is there and make us think. It often brings out nice part of ourselves. I try to keep that aspect in haiga (haiku+artwork), too. I feel that haiku and haiga can help calm our minds. You are always welcome to visit my blog.
sorry, what is "haiga" ? Is that "origami" ? I just love your site. You know what is funny, there are times in my life when I can actually REMEMBER how to fold a piece of paper to actually make one of those BEAUTIFUL cranes, and other times, usually when I feel more stressed out or anxious, when I actually FORGET to make the crane, and even if I try to remeber, I just can't. Can one find on your website a little "drawing" showing the steps on how can one make the crane , so I can print it out and then NEVER forget how to make the beautiful crane. Thank you.
sorry, what is "haiga" ? Is that "origami" ? I just love your site. You know what is funny, there are times in my life when I can actually REMEMBER how to fold a piece of paper to actually make one of those BEAUTIFUL cranes, and other times, usually when I feel more stressed out or anxious, when I actually FORGET to make the crane, and even if I try to remeber, I just can't. Can one find on your website a little "drawing" showing the steps on how can one make the crane , so I can print it out and then NEVER forget how to make the beautiful crane. Thank you.
SORRY, again...I was so stupid not to read that you ALREADY explained to me what "haiga" is: HAI-KU + ART...but...what does that mean ? Isn't "hai-ku" a PART of general Art, like a TYPE of Art, just like Painting, or Drawing, or Sculpture, or Cinematography ?
I REALLY WISH i COULD UNDERSTAND the " HAIGA" concept better. Can one FIND a good REPUTABLE website where one can learn more about this in English. Thank you a thousand times, as they say in Norway, "tusen takk". (pronounced "too sen tak", and they say the "too" very long, then the "sen" very quickly, then at the end "tak" JUST LIKE SOMEONE Japanese who would bow down in front of another person to greet them politely. IT IS TRUE, I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. It is JUST like this, I just LOVE learning Norwegian, and MORE I learn it I feel that the way they pronounce it IS ACTUALLY like a piece of Universal Art itself, that could actually be UNDERSTOOD as Art by anyone listening to them talk...I WISH I had some form of artistic talent to write myself a hai-ku to a LANGUAGE, can one DO that, I wonder, has it been EVER done in the whole world ? LOL ! ONLY QUESTIONS I have for you !
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