June 17, 2011

Another Flyer -TPF2 and WHAC6

I designed another flyer. It is for the 2nd.Tokyo Poetry Festival & the 6th. World Haiku Association Conference.

The theme of this joint event is "With or Without Mythology". The illustration included was made by me some time ago for someone's haiku, but I thought this would fit perfectly with the theme. Everybody concerned felt the same so this is how the final flyer will look like, more or less.

The bottom part is the concept of the theme, but this will be changed to a list of participating international poets. There will be more minor changes, too. That is how the flyer design always goes, changes here and there again and again.

Ban'ya Natsuishi will attend a poetry festival to be held in Medellín, Colombia end of this month. I am not aware but the Medellin festival is the biggest one in South America. He plans to promote this joint event there. The flyer will be shown there, along with a video clip.


Kirsten Cliff said...

I love the illustration! And it fits so well with the theme. Very cool :)

Gwil W said...

An interesting concept.

I don't suppose you, or any other attending poet, would like to read out my new poem 'a collection of babies in jars' at the forthcoming Tokyo Poetry Festival ? You can see it on my blog today.

Rudolph Aspirant said...

How beautiful this is ! It almost makes me want to spend the thousands of dollars I don't have, but I would surely need to visit Tokyo and be part of this festival this fall !

Look what i have found ! A Romanian author who knows about haiga and haikus. I have found him with the help of another contributor from another blog I read from time to time held by an attorney acquaintance of mine from Bucharest.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi roamsk,

Yes, Ion is well known in the haiku community and highly respected both for his haiku, and his haiga (with haiku).

He's been editor of Albatros magazine, and Hermitage magazine.

the wind sways
a woven hat brim
once grass

Alan Summers
Albatross, Contantza Haiku Society, Romania Issue vol III no. 1 Spring-Summer/No. 2 Autumn-Winter 1994

a disturbed rook calls out
I invoke a prayer

Alan Summers
Hermitage haiku journal, Romania ISSN 1584-6970 (2005)

Toshugu shrine pines
I try to stay as still -
mist and dew

Published in:
Hermitage haiku journal, Romania ISSN 1584-6970 (2005)

Thank you so much for this new weblink as I didn't have that one before.

Here's another useful link to Ion:
Ion Codresu's website link
