August 15, 2011

Haiga 629 Alan Summers haiku

Haiku by Alan Summers (UK). Artwork by myself.
A few days ago, Alan san asked me to make a haiga for his haiku. He said it would be a cover or something of his haiku booklet. This haiga here is what I sent to him in reply. I added the Japanese translation, too.

I placed some stars in the eye-blind. The shine of the stars is contained in the blackness of the eye-blind--I meant this to be the memory. Sentimental and also humorous haiku.

In the first version, I made a typo, which Alan san pointed out. I am a typo person, I admit. In the past, I was responsible for a few magazines. How did I manage to survive the responsibility? Well, I always had a good proof reader as my assistant. I just contributed ideas for the content.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks kuni_san! ;-)

Yes, I'm doing a pamphlet as a With Words print, hopefully due out in the Fall/Autumn 2011. ;-)

Alan’s events & announcements blog

onecloud said...

very nice

Haiku Crossroads said...

Greetings from England, kuni_san. Cute illustration (like that wine glass nose). Alan's evocative senryu reminds me of a three-legged dog that lives here in our Wiltshire village. Its name is Jet. Sometimes he forgets which leg is missing and swerves in the wrong direction.


kuni_san said...

Three-legged,,,,oh poor thing.

Haiku Crossroads said...

This local 3-legged dog is happy, though. A lesson from the dog kingdom to us all, I feel.

three-legged dog—
sometimes Jet swerves
in the wrong direction



kuni_san said...

Right. Way to go.