In the previous post, the bamboo one, the artwork received many poems. Thank you all for the contributions. Though each poem has its own merit, I feel that the contextual distance between the artwork and the poems are too close: verses seem to illustrate the artwork verbally.
The artwork has its own story. I am hoping that a poem inspired by the artwork tells another story, which has nice connection to that of the artwork. It works kind of Renku, I guess. Out of two nicely related works comes a new meaning, new context.
Here is another artwork for your intellectual entertainment. Again, your contributions are welcome.
New season -
dove and I
wait for the wind
"she's always had
these irrational fears..."
city stroll
love note
at the nun's feet...
worship bells
white-winged dove
pecking at the black cherries
in her hair
The moment she decides
to be a nun
cry of a mourning dove
hiding beneath
the wings of a dove . . .
her silly pranks
if only my fears
could fly away ...
white dove
black shine
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