April 13, 2009

Haiga 197

Haiku by Alan Summer of UK. Alan-san's haiku came to me with the Japanese translation. This is a good translation, written in the perfect haiku format 5-7-5. Mi-zu-ha-e-te Hi-ka-ri-ni-ka-su-mu Ko-ga-mo-ka-na.


Gwil W said...

A lovely picture of Alan's ducks in their shimmering container. It reminds of one of my own:

shake the bubble -
alabaster snowflakes
hide the scene

kuni_san said...

Tickets canceled -
he buys a bubbled Eiffel Tower
for his sick wife

kuni_san said...

Actually, the duckings are not in a container. It is just a design.

Gwil W said...

That's deep and lovely. They were going to go to Paris for their second honeymoon but she got sick. He will try to show his love for her and encourage her to get better with a small gift; so something normally thought of as kitsch, will become a meaningful gift. But of course we know that she will never reach Paris. Never leave the hospital in fact.
He will be left with the bubble and the memory of what was and what might have been.

The design is most pleasing, container or no container!

kuni_san said...

You are such a good story teller.