January 1, 2010

Haiga 302

Haiku by Sophie Luckhurst of England. She wrote this haiku as a classroom assignment.

Happy New Year to all.


John McDonald said...

enjoyed this and a happy new year to you and your family Kuni San

Ralf Bröker said...

Nice one, especially because of using Manga-elements for a haiga which includes the haiku of a very young haijin. Happy new year, Kuni San!

Best wishes

kuni_san said...

Manga is considered a sub-culture. It is never intended to be a piece of fine art. However, depending on how you treat it, it could become a piece of art as in the case of Roy Lichtenstein, an American Pop artist.

Alenka said...

Late, but from my heart:
May 2010 be a good year for you and your family, Kuni San!

Word verification "reess". In Slovenian "res" means: "Yes, indeed!"

kuni_san said...

Alenka san: Nice to see your comments again. Wish you a happy year for you, too.