January 9, 2012

Haiga 735 Children haiku 4

Haiku by Christine L. Villa (USA). Artwork by myself.
According to Wikipedia, the leaf I used here is "Acer palmatum, called Japanese Maple or Smooth Japanese Maple (Japanese: irohamomiji) is a species of woody plant native to Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia.

Momiji leaves change color; from Green to orange and to red. Spacious canopy they provide is what I like the most. Each leaf is small and always reminds me of child's hand, hence I used it in this haiga.


Gwil W said...

I like this children's series but I am sadly reminded of the poor Japanese children who are supposed to live with 20 msv/y which is 10 x the average annual exposure a nuclear power station worker would normally be expected to withstand. A child, 7 or 8 times more vulnerable than a man of 30, is getting 10 x the dose. In other words the child is in reality 70 to 80 times more at risk. We will see the results in 25 years time as we have with Chernobyl.

Christine "Chrissi" L. Villa said...

Many thanks again! I had to look up how the momiji leaves look like. They are beautiful! You added the perfect touch. I love the way leaves turn into different colors and this kind of leaves is indeed like a child's hands. :-)

Blossom Rain