May 25, 2015

Google Sketch - Lake District, UK



Pan Haiku Review said...

Here's one of my Lake District haiku:
Kirkstone Pass
a sheepdog gathers
its part of the world

Alan Summers
Publication Credit: Muttering Thunder vol. 1, 2014

warm regards,
Lake District and Kirkstone Pass Area 17 blog weblink

Gwil W said...

I love the Lake District even if it does get a bit crowded in summer.

Pan Haiku Review said...

I always avoid the tourist season, it's busy enough outside those times. :-)

My wife, brother, and father moreorless have climbed everything in the Lake District. It was my first visit last year, and although I climbed too, I also enjoyed just walking, and also sitting still and observing.

warm regards,

Alan, With Words