April 5, 2011

Haiga 559 Ui Togen haiku

Haiku by Ui Togen. Artwork by myself.

Togen is one of the young haijin who are trying to put some dents in the contemporary Japanese haiku. His haiku here is surrealistic, and to me, it seems to remind what is happening at Fukushima Nuke plant.

The reactors there are still, look as if they are sleeping. Though there is no fire now, high temperature remains. The nuke bars are melting themselves with their own heat, emitting invisible radiation. The cooling water is polluted by radiation, and being dumped into the ocean. The whole scene is so surreal but is an undeniable reality.

Another haijin, Ban'ya Natsuishi's (夏石番矢)recent haiku:

Fukushima の火は牙をむき水は泣く

Fukushima fire
bares its fangs
water weeping


daphnepurpus said...

Incredible on every level. Wonderful creation. Thanks!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thank you for bringing more contemporary Japanese haiku to us in translation.

As you know, I've a voracious appetite for this, alongside the other well-known classic haiku period.

Alan, With Words