Today, April 4th, is the day we married 36 year ago. The photo here was taken this winter, we were dressed up for a wedding which we attended as the matchmakers.
The other day, when we were heading to a coffee shop nearby, she said to me "You're my intimate friend, my only one". I do not remember in which context she mentioned it, but I have the same sentiment lately so I replied "Likewise here".
After so many years together, after many ups and downs, we both are glad we are still good friends
Oh, so nice to see that photograph, Kuni-san...Beautiful, and Happy Anniversary to you both :)
Happy anniversary to you
Congratulations! May you have many more happy years together.
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! May you have many more years together. April 4th is my birthday. I turned 62.
Thank you all for hearty words.
Anniversary dinner,
grandchild, a good eater
puked at the end
Congratulations on your anniversary! ;-)
Alan, With Words
Alan’s Area 17 blog
Happy anniversary!!!
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!
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