May 5, 2009

Day Three: see haiku exhibition

It is rainy here, but a lot of people showed up for my exhibition. The chairwoman of the Tenri city council, blog friends from Osaka, and Kyoto, Haiku friends, Japanese music people. Ban'ya-san, who had sent to me a big flower pot, wrote a haiku for my exhibition:
May breeze...
a hundred flowers fly to meet
a hundred paintings


Linda Brazeau said...

How exciting - looks like your exhibition is going very well. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Gillena Cox said...

Congratulations Kuni san i am enjoying your blog

much love

kuni_san said...

Thank you for your comments, Linda-san and Gillena-san. This is the first time I hold an exhibition of haiga in a gallery setting, and I am glad I am doing it, for many haiku peopel come and I get to discuss haiku and haiga related things with them. I am also encouraged a lot to see many children and young people at the exhibition.