January 13, 2011

Another poem for my deceased friend

I wrote this poem after the funeral of my firend, Matsumoto san, a fine singer and song writer. He and I believe in eternal soul and rebirth, so I wanted to include the idea in the poem.
I would like to dedicate this poem to those who lost life at the Arizona shooting, too.


OldSchoolHaiku said...

Very touching Thank You

kuni_san said...

Thank you, too. I gave the poem to the son of the deceased. He is a great singer.

Devika Jyothi said...

This is another beautiful poetic tribute, Kuni-san....beautifully rendered;


Pan Haiku Review said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.

the rain
almost a friend
this funeral

Alan Summers

I'm also upset over the Tucson shootings/murders, and the fact that some politicians do not have the grace and humility to show respect to the families who have suffered, but prefer to bicker.

kuni_san said...

Nice haiku, Alan san.