Haiku by Dimitar Anekiev (Slovenia). Artwork by myself.
The snowman is something of a special treat for me in the winter time ever since my child days. Here where I live, it does not snow much though the temperature goes down quite low. The snow falls occasionally but not enough to make a good clean snowman.
Last year was different, we had days with heavy snow. Kids and adults (me included) were out in the field, eagerly making snowmen. We were all happy to have great winter friends, the snowmen
I will be posting snowman haiga for a while. I am looking for good snowman haiku. Anybody?
New year is approaching, and everybody's busy writing Nenga-jyo (New Year postcard). For my mother-in-law, I made this postcard, printed it out on 20 Nenga-jyo cards, and sent them to her.

snowman in over his
building a snowman
so much of myself
going into it
Thanks, Peter san.
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