July 31, 2012

Haiga from Oku-no-Hosomichi by Basho

Haiku by Matsuo Basho. Artwork by myself.

In his travel journal, Oku no hoso michi, or Narrow road to the deep north, Basho wrote the following:

"As we sat in a room at the front of the temple and rolled up the screens, the entire landscape unfolded before us. To the south, Mount Chōkai propped up the sky, its image reflected in the water. To the west, the Muyamuya Barrier blocked the road. To the east, the road to Akita stretched out on an embankment far into the distance. To the north was the sea, whose waves broke into the lagoon at a place called Shiogoshi [Tide-Crossing]."

I have been to an area nearby this place mentioned here. I was impressed by the scenery there but I was not into haiku and haiga then. I was more interested in sipping good local sake (rice wine), and chop-sticking local delicacies while viewing the wonderful scenery.

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