March 2, 2011

Haiga 526 Mark Brooks haiku 4

Haiku by Mark Brooks. Artwork by myself.
We find lizards almost everywhere, but in place like Hawaii, it is geckos. The room I had in Hawaii was a basement of a big old house. At middle of night my sleep was interrupted by the little creature, sometimes by landing right on my face from the ceiling, other times by tickling my feet. I did not mind for it ate little bugs in my room, a caretaker so to speak.

This haiga is the last of Mark+Kuni collaboration. Thank you, Mark san, for sharing your haiku with me and all the visitors to this blog.


Devika Jyothi said...

Interesting haiga and note, Kuni-san :)

In India, you will find all sorts of superstitious beliefs if a lizard falls on you...good and evil depending on where it falls...I remember, falling on head is considered evil and feet must bring luck! there are more detailed falling on hair, cheek, temple etc...forgot now :)

My grandmother was a superstitious kind...she would want us to take bath, and pray for prevention of any evil...remember doing it once or twice in childhood :)


Mark Brooks said...

Thanks so much for these Kuni-san!

I really enjoyed seeing what you thought of each haiku, what inspiration they brought you. Thank you again for sharing your art with me.

kuni_san said...

So, Devika san, I had good an bad luck with the gecko. That neutralize the situation, great.

Devika Jyothi said...

haha, Kuni-san...i find all these interesting to understand how mans' co-inhabitance with other lives and nature has shaped their beliefs; so much have been lost from memory :)


Devika Jyothi said...

i mean i am not can't be good or evil; it's always a mixture...and in all likely ways neutralises itself, in due time,

and in no way, i was trying to pass that superstition to usual i thought it ineresting to share :)


Pan Haiku Review said...

When I lived in India, geckos were worth their weight in gold for me. Not just for their beauty and company, but keeping the insects down. ;-)

In Australia it was Huntsman spiders (non-spiderweb weaving) and cobweb weaving spiders that were worth their weight in gold keeping down the tiny biting insects away like sandflies and such that are smaller than mozzies and hence get easily through netting.

Wonderful haiga yet again, and very stylish! ;-)
