May 18, 2011

Haiga 588 Masajo Suzuki haiku - Nape

Haiku by Masajo Suzuki. Artwork by myself. English translation by Lee Garga & Emiko Miyashita.

Today is such a beautiful day of May.
I had a lecture to make in the morning. On the way, I walked into canopies of young leaves, sun light flicking through them. The air was fresh and crisp. I was not in hurry so stayed there for a while just to enjoy the whole scene.

For the past postings, I showed monochrome haiga works. Considering the season now-new green leaves everywhere, I felt that the monochrome was not really suitable so I decided to post this haiga for a change.


Devika Jyothi said...

very spring like...and beautiful, Kuni-san :)


Pan Haiku Review said...

Absolutely magnificent haiku and haiga!

Cities in Green Leaves Ginko-no-Kukai and competition: area 17 blog

Kat Creighton said...

A beautiful haiga. Masajo Suzuki has been an inspiration to me since I discovered her love haiku a few years ago.
